Occupational Health & Safety Certification

OHSAS 18001 and ISO 45001

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of an occupational health and safety system (OHS) at an enterprise. Not only personnel safety and minimization of risks of accidents,industrial injuries and diseases induced by improperly organized workflows depend on the competent creation of such system but also the performance of the entire enterprise.

Until 2018, standard BS OHSAS 18001 developed in the UK and adopted by other countries as a reference document addressing this type of management systems was the main document regulating occupational health and safety at enterprises. However, in 2018, it was replaced by ISO 45001, the first international standard dealing occupational health and safety developed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). Today, the national standard addressing occupational health and safety in the Russian Federation is GOST R 54934-2012/OHSAS 18001:2007.

OHSAS 18001
Advantages of implementing OHS system and having it certified
  • Creation of comfortable working conditions and minimization of risks of industrial injuries, accidents and diseases for staff;
  • Greater attractiveness of the enterprise for potential employees due to additional motivation;
  • Cost minimization and profit growth due to better staff performance;
  • Greater opportunities for approaching new markets; greater investment attractiveness of the company.

Certification stages
1. Application Fill in the application and forward it to the certification body.
2. Assessment Certification services are priced based on the factors referred to below. This stage results in the execution of contract.
3. Document review Stage 1 of the certification process. Detection of violations and assessment of whether the documentation is consistent with the requirements of the standard.
4. Audit Stage 2 of the certification process. Studying the company’s processes and verifying whether the documentation is consistent with the real condition of the company’s management system. The audit results in a report and decision on whether the certificate is to be issued or withheld.
5. Issuing certificate In the event that favorable decision is made, the Customer will be issued a certificate of conformity which will be valid for 3 years.
6. Surveillance audit The 1st and the 2nd surveillance (supervision) audits are conducted annually within the validity term of the certificate.
7. Re-certification The re-certification audit is conducted upon the expiry of the certificate. If favorable decision is made, the Customer will be issued a new certificate of conformity which will be valid for 3 years.
Factors affecting the price of the service:
  • Business area of the company;
  • Number and location of production sites and branches;
  • Headcount.
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