Russian Federation
Product conformity certification in the Russian Federation
Entering the Russian market is one of the promising areas for developing the businesses of many manufacturers. For example, the main Russian items of import are equipment and electronics that account for up to 50% of Russian imports.
To approach the Russian market, there is a number of product requirements (certification, declaration, approvals, etc.), the purpose of which is to confirm quality and conformity to applicable national regulations. Requirements set for products depend on their type. Elmas Group has extensive experience in this area building upon many years of cooperation with leading manufacturers.
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Procedure for certifying and declaring products in the national system of the Russian Federation in order to confirm product quality and conformity to national regulations.
2. Report of the
General Radio
Frequency Center Official confirmation of conformity to national requirements set for radio frequency products. Such opinion is mandatory for radio-electronic means and high-frequency devices included in the register of the Federal Agency for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media (Roskomnadzor) containing information about restricted HF devices for import into the Russian Federation.
General Radio
Frequency Center Official confirmation of conformity to national requirements set for radio frequency products. Such opinion is mandatory for radio-electronic means and high-frequency devices included in the register of the Federal Agency for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media (Roskomnadzor) containing information about restricted HF devices for import into the Russian Federation.
3. Conformity assessment for means of communication
Procedure for certifying or declaring means of communication in the Federal Communications Agency (Rossvyaz). This requirement applies to wired and wireless means of communication. The full list of communication equipment requiring mandatory certification is approved by Decree No. 532 issued by the Government of the Russian Federation. Communication equipment not included in that list are subject to mandatory declaration of conformity.
4. Notification of the Federal Security Service
Procedure for notifying the Federal Security Service of software or hardware encryption functions and cryptographic algorithms. The FSS notification requirement applies to computer equipment and other devices that have encryption functions and are included in the list referred to in Section 2.19 of Decision No.30 issued by EEC Board on April 21, 2015.
5. Pattern approval
Procedure for approving the type of measuring instrument to ensure the uniformity of measurements and to obtain comparable measurement results.
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